
The following are links to some excellent sites offering a wide perspective on Sri Chinmoy and his work.

Sri Chinmoy: Official Complete Source This uplifting site provides an overview of Sri Chinmoy’s life and teachings, as well as his writings, music and artistic creations.

Sri Chinmoy Library More than a thousand of Sri Chinmoy ’s inspiring works are online and searchable at this site.

Sri Chinmoy Races Sri Chinmoy firmly believes that the physical and the spiritual can and must go together. A 100 metre sprint and decathlon champion in his youth, Sri Chinmoy has completed 22 marathons and 5 ultramarathons, and has set many weightlifting world records. Visit the home page of the worldwide Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team, which sponsors 500 athletic events annually, from Masters track and field competitions to the world’s longest certified race of 3100 miles.

Sri Chinmoy Art Enter into an ever-glowing world of Sri Chinmoy’s vast meditative art works, which number over 150,000. View a selected on-line gallery of his “Fountain-Art”, with their brilliant colours and harmonious designs. Soon to come are selections from his 13 million soul-bird drawings.

Sri Chinmoy TV Enter into a world of boundless creativity through the music, art and talks of Sri Chinmoy, or join him for a few moments of meditative silence.

Radio Sri Chinmoy Experience the meditative and soul-stirring music of Maestro Sri Chinmoy as he sings and plays a dozen instruments from around the world.